By measuring deficits and excess activation, you ensure you know whether to increase or decrease muscle activity

Use your mDurance to detect poorly activated muscles and learn techniques to retrain them

Specific Benefits

of measuring deficits and excess activation

Smart Decision-Making Base your treatments on objective data rather than hypotheses
Be More Convincing Use this information to persuade your patient that their problem isn't just pain
Efficient Reeducation Know whether a muscle needs more or less activity, speeding up the rehabilitation process
Increased Confidence Validate your clinical ideas, eliminate doubts, and reduce uncertainty

What Is Activation Deficit and Excess?

Activation Deficit is a defense mechanism that impairs agonist muscles and/or synergies, leading to strength deficits and/or atrophy.

Coactivation Excess (commonly called muscle compensation) occurs when a muscle is overactivated during a task or movement.

Both phenomena hinder or delay your patients’ recovery.

What It Means if Your Patient Has Deficit or Excess Activation?

Deficit or excess activation relates to functional abnormalities such as:

  • Poor quality in the movement control.
  • Muscle atrophy.
  • Reduced joint strength development.
  • Muscle compensation in muscles we do not want to work.
  • Limited range of motion.
  • Increased risk of injury or relapse.
Deficit and excess activation

How to Measure it with mDurance

A virtual assistant will guide you to select which muscles you have identified with a deficit or excess coactivation.

Find out if mDurance is for you

Schedule a free online demo with one of our Electromyography specialists.

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